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Chickens, pigs, and more at Maranatha School for the Deaf

We have been blessed to be a part of the work at Maranatha School for the Deaf and the local Mennonite Church. It’s awe-inspiring to see how God works in our lives and provides for us, the school, the church, and our friends.

The chicken operation at the school is in full swing and Rodney has plans to make it bigger! Right now, there are 36 layer chickens and we are selling out of eggs. We have 27 broiler chickens that will soon be butchered and a rooster that will become a father in the next month or two.

Rodney also built a pigpen with many of the older boy students and a few adults. It needs a roof yet and then will be ready for pigs! Thankfully the chicken operation is providing for the school and soon, we are looking forward to the pigs providing as well!

Eve continues to teach math, computer, and some P.E. while Rodney continues to work with the older boys in the workshop and around the school. We are praying that God continues to use us in those areas.

We felt like God was calling us to start to meet with the youth in the church, so we get together with them and have had some really good discussions. We pray that God will also raise up a Jamaican leader from within the church to come alongside of us in this.

We have also felt like God has been calling us to help create positive relationships between the community and school. More people from the community are buying eggs and coming to the school to do Zumba. Rodney, the older school boys, and some of the local men spent a morning patching up one of the roads. May God continue to use us!



Rodney Knepp (l) with older boys from the school and local men who spent a morning patching a road. Micah Knepp is on the right, held by Keron. Courtesy of author

Rodney Knepp (l) with older boys from the school and local men who spent a morning patching a road. Micah Knepp is on the right, held by Keron. Courtesy of author

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