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More Ways to Partner

Support is more than just financial giving.


  • We invite you to consider being a Mission Communicator, regularly communicating with and highlighting the ministries of VMMissions in your congregational setting.
  • If you have served in mission, sharing your experiences with others. Identify and encourage persons interested in mission service and help us make connections.


Possible options to consider:

Congregational Offerings

Gifts through congregational offerings from our primary constituency and gifts from other congregations supply over one-third of our total mission support each year.

Individual Gifts
Contributions sent directly to Virginia Mennonite Missions may be designated for certain projects or given to the Mission Fund to be used wherever needed at the time. Most mission workers have significant support raised through Ministry Support Teams, which are often composed of relatives, friends and the home congregation. More than half of the total expenses of VMMissions are met through individual contributors.

Special Projects
Volunteer your time and share your skills or expertise, such as in the fields of education or business.

Make an Endowment
A donor wishing to make a “perpetual” gift can establish an endowment for the benefit of VMMissions. Income earned from the invested endowment can be designated for particular ministries of VMMissions. An annual endowment report is given to the donor showing income growth and distributions to VMMissions.

Donate Securities
By contributing stocks or mutual funds that have appreciated in value, the donor bypasses income and capital gains taxes and receives a charitable tax deduction on the fair market value of the stock on the day it is sold. This contribution can be a direct gift and provide a life income for the donor with the principle balance being designated for VMMissions.

Donate Real Estate Proceeds
Rental property, farms, or other land assets that have increased in value over the years can result in a significant tax benefit. A gift to VMMissions of property provides financial support when it is sold. Or if so desired, the gift can provide a life income (charitable remainder trust) to the donor with VMMissions receiving the principle balance after the donor’s lifetime.

Consider Gift Annuities
Sometimes people discover that they can make larger gifts with gift plans such as a gift annuity that include a lifetime income to the donor. A charitable gift annuity can be funded with cash, stock, or mutual funds. Gift annuities are especially attractive as persons get older since the payment rates increase with age. The donor receives a charitable tax deduction, and part of each payment is tax-free. If persons need a current tax deduction but do not need current income, the annuity income (payments) can be deferred for a term of years or indefinitely.

Donate Gifts of Retirement Plans (IRAs) and/or Life Insurance
Individuals are able to save significant federal and state taxes by designating VMMissions as the beneficiary of IRAs or other qualified retirement plans to benefit the long-term work of missions.

Make a Charitable Bequest to VMMissions
Virginia Mennonite Missions welcomes you to remember its ministry and mission by designating a bequest for VMMissions in your last will and testament.