tranSend (internship)
The Two Major Components of tranSend:
1. A Guided Discipleship Cohort
Join with other tranSend participants in a collaborative training led by a discipleship coach. This element focuses on your own spiritual formation and builds your philosophy of ministry, drawing from a wealth of Christian teaching and discipleship practices from throughout the global church.
2. A Mentored Ministry Assignment
This is your "field work", where we place you with a seasoned ministry or mission worker in an established setting. Here you'll have a chance to learn firsthand the practical work of ministry and experience the unique dynamics of your own placement as you discern your own calling ahead. Throughout your time in the program you'll have regular coaching sessions with your discipleship coach to reflect on your experience and apply your training.

Other features:
- Customized placements: we work with you to design a placement with one of our partners that matches your gifts and goals. These may be with "traditional" cross-cultural placements in missions and service, or with other creative missional projects in the USA and beyond. Let us know what you're interested in and we'll help you find a good fit.
- Paid employment: tranSend is a paid ministry internship funded partially through fundraising on your part and partially through grants available from VMMissions. We will work with you to develop a budget based on your financial needs and the context of your assignment.
- Financial aid: thanks to generous donors who are passionate about ministry formation, VMMissions is able to offer ministry grants toward your financial target during your assignment.
- Fundraising support: we have experienced staff to support you in managing your fundraising outreach and overall strategy.
Want to learn more? Feel free to contact us with any questions you have and we'll be happy to discuss them with you. If you're interested in applying for the next cohort, use the button below to fill out an application before April 30.
Where Will I Be Working?
Discipleship begins with imitation. We place you with an experienced field worker to walk alongside you. He or she will provide encouragement, accountability and insight for your journey.
Our placements also focus on being rooted and connected in a particular space. Relating to the local community and other mission workers allows for discernment as God’s call becomes clear.
VMMissions will work with a global network of trusted partners to place you into a role and location that fits the needs of the local community, your giftings in ministry, and your calling to a particular region of the world. After your application is submitted, our Discipleship Ministries Coach will walk with you to determine the right fit. Below is a listing of our current tranSend openings.

"For many people the idea of raising money to go overseas can seem quite daunting, but the tranSend program eased that burden immensely by providing a grant for half of the money I needed to raise. My time in Albania through tranSend was a life-changing experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything.”
Jessica Hedrick
Served in Lezhë, Albania

“The tranSend program allowed me to create and shape my own position with a lot of freedom to make it just the right fit for me. It also provided a good structure for pre-departure orientation and paired me up with a mentor from VMMissions who has been tracking with me in my cultural, personal, and spiritual growth.”
Sarah Showalter
Served in Det Udom, Thailand
How the Process Works
- Applicant dialogue/questions to tranSend director and staff
- Application completed
- References sent to pastor and three other persons
- Interview by director
- Director contacts national or local partner regarding placement
- Applicant profile presented to VMMissions leadership for approval
- Ministry Support Team formation (with MST Coach guidance); no funds requested until appointment
- Documents completed for work permit, visa and residency as needed for country of service
- Orientation, VMMissions retreat and training cohort launch
- Commissioning service and sending
Annual application deadline: April 30
For more information, contact:
Martin Rhodes, Discipleship Ministries Coach
(540) 434-9727 ext 307
Do you have a ministry that would like to partner with you for a tranSend placement? Contact us and let's explore your options.
Serve with Viva Youth in Colombia
Serve as an intern with Viva Youth, a ministry based in Bogotá that partners with local churches in children’s ministry and building faith community for young adults exiting the Colombian foster care system called Primos and Primas in the community.
SLAQ Serving Leader Internship
Serve, lead, and mentor youth in the SLAQ program throughout a yearlong Serving Leadership placement, (potentially) partnering to serve at a local church. Through this experience, you will be guided through bi-weekly mentoring from the SLAQ director as well as regular coaching from VMMissions staff.
Thailand: Church-planting Intern
Do you have a heart for the unreached? Do you long to connect with what God is doing on the frontiers of the Kingdom? Join long-term workers in northeastern Thailand in the rhythms of cross-cultural pioneer church-planting among one of the most unreached people groups in Southeast Asia.