Common Questions
Do I need to be Mennonite or live in Virginia to serve with VMMissions?
No! We work with people from a variety of Christian traditions and locations all over the US and the globe. We’re happy to discuss whether we’d be a good fit for you.
What does Mennonite mean and how does it influence VMMissions’ work?
Mennonites are part of the Anabaptist branch of the Christian family. They get their name from Menno Simons, one of the key Christian reformers in 16th century Europe. Like other reformers, Menno emphasized salvation as a gift from God and the Bible as the Word of God. Menno also believed we should follow the teachings of Jesus as closely as possible. That meant baptizing only those who professed faith in Christ, putting God’s kingdom above all other loyalties (government, family, self), and refusing to take the life of another person. It also meant living out “true evangelical faith,” which for Menno included acts of compassion, justice, peacemaking, teaching and evangelism.
Today, Mennonites come in all shapes and sizes. Thanks to vibrant local churches that emerged through the modern missions movement, more Mennonites live in Africa, Latin America and Asia than in Europe and North America. At their best, Mennonites (and other Anabaptists) are not about peddling a particular brand of Christianity, but about inviting all people to join the Jesus movement described in the New Testament.
What is mission work and why is it important?
We believe that God is on a mission to redeem and rescue the world through the saving work of Jesus Christ, and that God invites us to participate in that work. Every disciple of Jesus has a role to play in that mission, and together we show and share the good news of God’s rescue in all facets of life.
Who is called to be a missionary?
Every follower of Jesus! If we are part of God’s family, God can use us and our unique gifts to show his love to those around us and invite them into Christ’s new life. In another sense, some of us are particularly called to make it our vocation to do that work, and will need training and support to do it well. A big part of our job at VMMissions is equipping that second group, but we are excited about seeing the whole church released into God’s mission.
Is mission work only “overseas” or can I serve in my home community?
We believe God can call anyone to anywhere – across the street or around the world. We are excited to hear where God is calling you to share the good news of Jesus and discern how we can partner with you in obeying that call.
I’ve never done mission work before. Can I still serve?
Yes! We specialize in equipping people for mission, regardless of experience or background. We believe impact in mission is a result of ordinary people faithfully partnering with an extraordinary God. Let’s talk about what that might look like for you.
I feel called to mission work but I don’t know what I should do. How can I discern my calling?
We’d love to help with that. Our approach is to pair discernment with discipleship. As you work with us to develop your sense of identity in Christ, you also will be equipped to explore ways to use your gifts in mission. Consider joining a small cohort for people curious about missions to help you discern the unique gifting and calling God has for you.
Do you offer training for people exploring their calling?
Yes. That’s one of the things we do best. Let’s chat about the kind of training you’d like to receive.
I already know where God is calling me in mission. Can you help me get there?
We’d love to hear about your calling, and we hold a high priority for helping people develop their unique gifts and ministries. Check out what some of our current workers are doing to see the diverse expressions of mission that we support.
What does VMMissions do to support mission workers on assignment?
We offer various levels of support. Many of our workers are salaried employees with full benefits. We train these workers to develop a network of partners to support their work through VMMissions with prayer and finances. Other workers are employed by another ministry or place of employment. All have access to training, ministry coaching, crisis management, publicity and financial support. Since we believe fruitful ministry flows from faithful living, we make it a high priority to encourage workers in their own walk with God, cultivation of healthy relationships, and personal well-being.
Does VMMissions work only with Mennonite churches?
We partner with people, churches, and ministries of many kinds from many places. Our roots are in the Anabaptist tradition but our work is with the whole church. You can read our Lifestyle Covenant as a good resource for discerning how our values align with yours.

Not sure where to start?
Get in touch with Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer, and he’ll work with you to identify what opportunities might be a good fit.