E3 Collective (short-term)

Embark. Encourage. Engage.
E3 Collective is an initiative of VMMissions that invites followers of Jesus to participate in healthy and holistic short-term (a week or more) mission experiences.
These short-term mission experiences focus on being and relating, rather than simply doing. We work to make it about a re-orientation to a gospel-centered, Spirit-empowered way of being and building the body of Christ across the boundaries of geography and culture. As the name "collective" suggests, these are team-based experiences.
The three Es in E3 are about inviting persons to embark on an intensive short-term team experience, encourage and be encouraged as the body of Christ in a host setting, and engage more deeply the work of the kingdom for a lifetime.
This happens through up-front training; prayer, personal reflection and group processing while on location; and debriefing and sharing with others after you return.
Join us for an all E3 Collective Training Day
Saturday, May 17 | 9:00a - 4:00p | Location TBD

In our efforts to build the best program possible, we have joined MissionExcellence. Team leaders and participants, as well as host partners, are equipped and commit to 7 standards (Learn more about these standards on their website):
- God-centeredness
- Empowering partnerships
- Mutual design
- Comprehensive administration
- Qualified leadership
- Appropriate training
- Thorough follow-through.
To apply, you will create a free account at Managed Missions. Enter your email address, and a link to set your password will be sent to you.
Contact Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer
Email Kierston
(540) 434-9727
Soccer Camp in Kenya
Love to play soccer? Love to share God’s good news? Join an E3 Collective team to southern Kenya in late June 2024, centered around a soccer camp outreach that will bless and engage with local kids and adults.