We help people join God’s movement to change the world.

Mission Fund Goal Progress

Help us reach our goal of $440,000 by August 31.

How is God
calling you?

Discern your spiritual gifts. Encourage others. Engage the work of the kingdom for a lifetime. Explore our opportunites.

Your support changes lives

God is on a mission to redeem all of creation. And you are invited to take part in this mission. Pray for those engaged in mission service. Give generously, of your time and finances. Participate in mission events.

How will you join in God’s mission?

Bike Shenandoah

September 21, 2024

Pedal the Valley and support missions!

Daily Prayer

Pray that participants in Summer Worship Camp this week will encounter God and be inspired to dedicate their entire lives to worshipping Him in steadfast allegiance, trust-filled obedience and grateful service.

Stories of Mission

Nathan and Anya Stan (and J. and D.) - names changed

Worker Profile: Nathan and Anya Stan (and J. and D.)

It is now our generation’s turn to serve others in areas where the gospel is almost unknown. We are glad to follow God’s calling and to partner with VMMissions in this calling. Now we are part of the Launch Team in one of the post-Soviet countries in Central Asia.

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VMMissions worker Raleigh, with his son Robbie (names changed) sings and plays his guitar. Courtesy photo

Call to Prayer: Music as Prayer

Recently I was driving alone to the airport and decided to sing prayers rather than think or speak them. I was surprised how much more real my praises and petitions felt to me as I expressed them in this way. The words felt enlivened by the Spirit of God groaning within me, connecting me with the Father God.

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Carol Tobin

Planting Kingdom Seeds

My husband Skip and I have often said that our saying “yes” to going to an unreached people group was like stepping into a river that swept us along in its powerful current. Within a few months of saying “yes,” we were a family of six, with four-month-old Noelle in arms, on the other side of the world in Thailand.

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