Planned Giving
gifts that help now
gifts that give back
gifts that help later
VMMissions is grateful to belong to a great cloud of witnesses that have created a solid financial foundation, over many generations, for ongoing work in God’s mission. Many have found the following options to be useful in stewarding their charitable giving in ways that are sustainable and that can leave a legacy beyond their lifetimes.
VMMissions does not give financial planning advice, but directs you to your financial institution to inquire about any of these giving options.
Assets You Can Gift
There are many types of assets that you can donate to VMMissions, sometimes with significant tax advantages. These may include stocks, mutual funds, life insurance policies, real estate, farm commodities, IRA’s and other retirement accounts or any other physical assets that can be sold.
Gifts That Help Now
Family Endowments
Creating a family endowment is one way our partners in God's mission can provide ongoing support beyond their lifetime and foster a family legacy of financial partnership in the work of VMMissions. This is one alternative to creating a private foundation.
Donor Advised Funds
You may donate cash or other assets to your own personal donor advised fund. If an asset other than cash is used to fund your donor advised fund, it is typically liquidated as soon as possible and the proceeds from the sale are then made available for distribution to the charities you recommend at any time you wish. By giving to your donor advised fund, you are able to take a charitable tax deduction in the year that the gift is made to your donor advised fund. This tool is particularly advantageous for gifts of appreciated assets, as it is a way to avoid any capital gains from the sale of the asset.
Charitable Lead Trusts
This Trust will provide current income to charity that is generated from the funding asset for a set period of time, but then returns the asset to you or your children after the expiration of the set time period.
Gifts That Give Back
Qualified Charitable Distributions
If you are aged 70 ½ or older, you may give qualified charitable distributions to VMMissions from your traditional IRA. Giving in this way allows you to avoid reporting these gifts as income on your tax return.
Gift Annuities
You may need continued personal income from your assets. In this case, you may give cash or securities to your financial institution which can give you a guaranteed lifetime annuity payments at a fixed rate. At the end of your life, the remainder can be distributed to VMMissions and other beneficiaries of your choice.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Assets such as real estate and securities can be used to fund a Charitable Remainder Unitrust which will payout income to you, your family, or other loved ones for their lifetime(s) or a set term of years. Upon termination of the Trust, the remainder can be designated to benefit VMMissions.
Gifts That Help Later
Charitable Bequest Plans
Remember the mission and ministry of VMMissions by designating a bequest to VMMissions in your last will and testament.

Please contact David Gingerich, Director of Partner Development, if you are interested in donating to VMMissions through any of these planned giving options.