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Mission Workers

Lydia Showalter

Lydia Showalter

Serving in: (Colombia)
Program name:
Serving since: 2024
Vocation: , ,

Lydia participated in Vida220’s three-month discipleship training school in Central America, and is now serving for five months as an intern with Viva Youth in Bogotá, Colombia, the ministry started by new VMMissions workers, Jorge and Ginny Enciso, and the partner for the E3 SLAQ trip in Spring 2024.

Viva Youth is a ministry that partners with local churches in children’s ministry and building faith community for young adults exiting the Colombian foster care system called primos and primas in the community. Jorge and Ginny and family are involved in a network of house churches that is actively involved in providing this community for young adults.

Lydia will participate in the work of the Viva Youth Foundation and in the life of the house church network. She plans to return to Vida220 for two months of additional months of leadership and missions training following the time with Viva Youth. During these final two months, she and other participants will help to lead short-term teams who partner with local congregations.

Lydia writes, “I certainly affirm that the gospel is for everyone, and my life has been and continues to be shaped by that as I learn about what God’s call on my life is and how I can share that gospel with everyone, no matter where in the world I am.”

Lydia is a four-year participant in the SLAQ program. She is a member at Mosaic of Grace Church and daughter of Carmen and Jason Rhodes Showalter.

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