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Mission Workers

Ruth Rivera

Ruth Rivera

Serving in: (Thailand)
Program name:
Serving since: 2025
Vocation: , ,

Ruth will serve among the Isaan people group of Thailand and join the VMMissions and EMM team as they support the work of Life Enrichment Church. As a dentist, Ruth sees her profession as a way of blessing and sharing the gospel with others. She serves with United Brethren Global, in partnership with VMMissions.

Ruth comes from a United Brethren Church in La Ceiba, Honduras, and has had a long-term sense of call to missions. She has served in various capacities in her home church: as worship leader, youth leader and during her college years she served in a campus outreach ministry called Intervarsity.

In 2021, Ruth served in Sierra Leone with UB Global, where she worked in a clinic as a dentist and engaged in the local culture as a Christian. She has also recently worked in a dental clinic among the Garifuna and Miskito people groups in Honduras. This hospital-based Christian outreach is located in a remote area of the country, where there is no accessible medical care within a day’s travel. These experiences have shaped her identity as a missionary to other cultures and have helped her grow in her ability to connect across cultures and languages.

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