Mission Workers

Caleb and Stephanie Schrock-Hurst
Program name: transForm
Serving since: 2024
Vocation: Discipleship Ministries, Education, Healthcare
Caleb and Stephanie are VMMissions associated workers on assignment with Mennonite Mission Network at the invitation of and under the leadership of the Fellowship of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan, a group of approximately 20 congregations. Mennonite Mission Network has long connections to these churches, though no expatriate workers have served there for a number of years.
The Schrock-Hurts’ assignment includes regular involvement in a local congregation where they may be involved in youth ministry, work throughout the week at a large Mennonite hospital, a ministry started 50 years ago through MCC work there.
Stephanie has been invited to use her nursing training in that context, working toward the establishment of a nursing exchange program with the EMU nursing department where she works as an adjunct professor in addition to her role in public health. Prior to the pandemic, the hospital had a regular pattern of staff/patient Bible studies and prayer times, and Caleb and Stephanie have been invited to support the restart of these times of Christian fellowship and invitation.