Home » Partner » Events » Motorcycle for Missions

2024 Results:

33 Riders and Passengers

12 Churches Represented

6 Event Business Sponsors

$15,720 Net Raised (and counting)

This year, 33 motorcyclists and passengers rode through the Shenandoah Valley, Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains. The group from different parts of Virginia spent the two days (May 31 and June 1) making new friends and helping VMMissions share new life in Jesus at home and around the world.

This year’s ride - the 12th annual - raised a net total of $15,720 for the Mission Fund. This fund allows VMMissions to train, send, coach, and support workers in the field, and share their stories with our partners.

The energy and community from the ride was contagious, and it was great to see younger riders join in the mission, even ones who won’t be able to ride their own motorcycle for quite some time!

2024 Ride Sponsors






The Backyard Solution


State Farm Insurance