Workshops for Churches and Leaders
Resources and relationships for making disciples, equipping missional leaders and joining the movement that Jesus began.
Becoming Learners
Engage with Jesus’ invitation to follow him and discover what it means for us to be authentic disciples today. Explore what it means to be disciples and hear Jesus’ invitation to enter into rest by being yoked with him. In this workshop we’ll learn and practice the Learners Circle where we can learn to engage our own kairos, and wake up and make steps forward towards God’s good purpose in our lives. This interactive workshop addresses some foundational discipleship principles and useful tools are offered.
Making Disciples through Life Transformation Groups
Learn to use Life Transformation Groups as a reproducible vehicle for personal change. In order to be changed from the inside out, the group follows the example of Jesus, who lived a life of UP, IN and OUT. Jesus cultivated an intimate relationship with his Father (UP), a supportive relationship with God’s people (IN), and a compassionate relationship with the world God loves (OUT). The weekly practices of Bible reading, accountability and prayer build those relationships.
What's So Good About the Good News?
Get in touch with the gospel together, by learning to celebrate and share your own God story and a simple gospel message by practicing together. We can be equipped us to better witness to Jesus Christ by giving God our fears and together working on what to say to those who want to hear the good news.
Leading Discovery Bible Studies
Learn how to make disciples by engaging others in Discovery Bible Studies outside of the church walls. Experience the joy of engaging and seeing others engage the Scriptures together and discover the very one who inspired the Bible enlightening our hearts and revealing himself. We’ll be practicing using (DBS) ourselves and getting in touch with the possibilities.
Being a Family on Mission
Explore how to be spiritual parents who create “family on mission” rather than trying to manage the dichotomy of family and mission or the difficult tension of choosing between family or mission. Here we get in touch with our God being on mission as Father, Son and Spirit, a family picture of sorts. This helps us to untwist mission out of our own individual mindset, where we each do our own thing and wonder what happens to the fruit. Explore together what it means to be spiritual parents, who have and offer to others predicable patterns and that for the purpose of God's mission.
The Ephesians 4 Callings
Uncover the hidden treasure of our various callings (apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, and teacher) and the energy this brings to being church together. We are awakening to our own infertility as the church. The 5 callings are an important component for realigning ourselves to what God is doing. Equipping us, God’s people, for God’s ministry work, according to how God has made each of us. As a followers of Jesus Christ, we have within us the Jesus DNA. We have received a portion of grace and are gifted. Among us are apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers. We can begin recognize this in others and ourselves and with God’s help realign.
New workshops may be created in consultation with the district or congregational leadership.
Please contact Skip Tobin or call (540) 434-9727 for more information or to schedule a workshop.