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We Could Never Do This On Our Own

Loren HorstBy Loren Horst

“We could never do it on our own.” These or similar words express the sentiment of everyone at VMMissions—our staff, our board and our workers. We constantly receive reminders that we are involved in something far larger than ourselves. Sometimes we lead. Sometimes we follow. Sometimes we just get out of the way!

VMMissions continues to embrace a close relationship with Virginia Mennonite Conference. We choose to function within the larger family of faith by expressing and enabling the mission vision that God has placed within His people. We cannot do without this larger connection to God’s people.

VMMissions relies on specific congregations and supporters for prayer, counsel, encouragement and financial gifts. A worker recently told of 60 people who had been a supportive part of their ministry! Multiply that over our entire program. Thousands of people are a part of missions through VMMissions!

The Holy Spirit leads, guides and undergirds all of this. The wind of the Spirit is evident in the roots of VMMissions in the past, in the calling and sending of each church planter or overseas mission worker in the present, and in the churches emerging literally around the world.