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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Central Asia city

Pilgrims on the Silk Road

“Sometimes it was painful to say goodbye to move to another place, leaving dear brothers and sisters behind,” writes Paulo (name changed), a worker in Central Asia. “But it was also like turning to a new page in a book. And that is how the story of our pilgrimage continues, in this vast land along the Silk Road.”

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Bible study on the farm, Timberville, VA

Mission on the Farm

Marketplace Worker Ben Yutzy knew he was being called to be a missionary. “I began by asking Jesus, where are you sending me?” he writes. “The workplace was obviously where I spent the most time, and after I asked that question, it became the obvious choice. Jesus gave me eyes to see my coworkers with compassion and in great need of the gospel.”

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Aaron M. Kauffman

What’s a Missionary?

We invest in the faith formation. We build meaningful relationships with our neighbors and others. We pray for those far from God and look for opportunities to share the hope we have. We support missionaries financially and pray for them. These are things all Christians can do as participants in God’s mission.

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Rissa Martin at Agape Home, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Worker Profile: Rissa Martin

Rissa serves at Agape Home, a Christian-run orphanage located in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where she had volunteered several times before returning as a VMMissions worker. She coordinates with incoming volunteers, teaches English in a Montessori Preschool, and manages the website and social media.

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Yute and Tukata

Call to Prayer: Living the Lord’s Prayer

The greatest shame in Isaan culture is to die without friends gathering, without the monks chanting their blessings. This is what Ying’s family expected. But members of the local church showed up and stayed with the family until the ceremonies were completed. Ying’s relatives were powerfully impacted.

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Freddy and Elena Satalaya

Being On Mission Through Our Prayers

“Sending and receiving mission workers undoubtedly brings us closer to the global community,” Elena Buckwalter de Satalaya writes. “However, it is just as important, if not even more so, to pray for the global church and the people and communities it reaches.”

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SWAP trip team

The Impact of Ministry Collaboration

“Our ministry of church planting, pastoring, and gospel outreach has been deeply impacted by partnerships that God has brought together,” Veronica Sanchez writes. “We know that God is on mission in the Waynesboro, Va., community where we have planted a new community of faith.”

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The Beauty of the Body of Christ

Churches across denominational lines have come together to support reaching the local Arabic-speaking community in Harrisonburg, Va. “What has blessed and stretched my faith has been the “unity amidst diversity” that I have seen expressed in [VMMissions worker] Yacoub’s team,” Pastor Blake Wood writes.

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New Year's event in Italy

Mission Is a Partnership

“Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection is often the focal point of his purpose on earth, and for good reason,” Shawn Green writes. “But we shouldn’t overlook or miss the countless bits of perfect knowledge that Jesus taught and shared as he walked among his followers, and with which we are invited to align our hearts and immerse our souls in God’s goodness and mercy.”

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Moving Together in Mission

A few years ago while recovering from surgery I picked up a book gathering dust on my shelf called In His Image. I found the combination of medical insight, missionary zeal and biblical wisdom to be fascinating and moving at the same time, especially fitting to read while my own body healed.

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Jhustin Thompson

Worker Profile: Jhustin Thompson

Jhustin serves in a college ministry assignment with Every Nation Campus and VMMissions. “My work and goal is to show the love of God and be a light to campus. I want to see lives changed by the good news and do the work of God,” he writes.

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Perspectives orientation evening

Call to Prayer: Joining God’s Heart for Mission

Prayer is a fundamental underpinning of how we partner with God to engage in our small part of the great gospel task. As followers of Jesus pray together, the Holy Spirit enables us to see the grand reality of God’s plan for the restoration for humanity, and to see the immediate needs of the people right in front of us.

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