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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Mission Fund Update

Results of Fiscal Year End Campaign

We are seeing the fruit of changed lives and communities that God is producing through our ministries! Like an abundant harvest, a great deal of work lies behind these fruitful ministries. Thank you for making this possible.

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Mission Fund Update

2017 Mission Fund Goal Exceeded

Thank you for helping us extend the great chain of disciples who make disciples who make disciples. We slightly exceeded our 2017 fiscal-year-end goal of $110,000!

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Mission Fund Update

Mission Fund Goal Met!

Thank you for your generous support in helping us not only meet our 2016 Mission Fund goal, but exceed it! With God’s help and your gifts, we have successfully completed another year of making disciples in the way of Christ among neighbors near and far.

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Mission Fund Update

2016 Year End Goal Exceeded

Due to your generous responses and the gifts of supporters who matched with $15,500, we have exceeded our goal of $60,000 with a total of $66,442 in our first-ever matching gift campaign! Thank you for investing in hope with gifts to our Mission Fund.

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