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In obedience to the Great Commission, Virginia Mennonite Missions (VMMissions) equips the church to share new life in Jesus Christ with neighbors near and far. We envision a Spirit-filled church of many cultures living out God’s kingdom in every sphere of life.

Map of VMMissions ministry, 2024.

VMMissions in 2024

17 new workers in 2024

69 total workers

36 serving 5+ years (52%)
23 non-u.S. background (33%)
30 serving upgs* (43%)

84 E3 participants in 2024
13 countries
14 staff
11 board members
19 Ministry Support Teams
104 Ministry Support Team members


VMMissions was commissioned by Virginia Mennonite Conference in 1919 to help Mennonites in Virginia share the good news of Jesus Christ with their neighbors in West Virginia. Within a few decades, the ministry had extended to the Caribbean and the Mediterranean.

Today, with headquarters in Harrisonburg, Virginia, VMMissions supports 69 mission workers serving in 13 countries and sends multiple short-term teams each year, all focused on being and making disciples in the way of Christ.

In addition to churches in Virginia Mennonite Conference, we serve a growing number of like-minded partners around the globe.

* Unreached People Groups, defined as less than or equal to 5% Christian AND less than or equal to 2% evangelical.

Join us in helping people join God's movement to change the world!

Daily Prayer

Join Marcello and Marianna Arrostuto, tranSend interns serving the Shalom congregation in Palermo, Italy, in praying for the growth of the church through outreach and discipleship.