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Our Core Values

By Loren HorstLoren Horst

Core values are those values we hold dear. They represent the orienting center of our lives, the priorities by which we live. They are usually expressed by how we live our lives and what occupies our attention in terms of time and money. Sometimes core values are also expressed by our words. When our core values as expressed by our words and values expressed by our actions are congruent, we call that integrity. When they are not, we call that hypocrisy.

One way to promote integrity and reduce hypocrisy is to write down our core values, share them with others, and then openly compare what we do and what we say. Sometimes the results are gratifying. Sometimes they identify areas in which we need to grow.

VMMissions has tried to do just that. We have written down core values, and then held them up to the light of scrutiny. Do they ring true? What are glaring omissions? Do we practice what we preach? You may wish to write your own core values for 2011. If you do so, share them with trusted friends and ask the same questions we ask at VMMissions. Do they ring true? What are my omissions? Do I practice what I preach?

Our Core Values
As Virginia Mennonite Missions pursues its mission, we commit to doing so using the following means:

a. Value a prayerful discernment of God’s continuing mission and voice
b. Invite people to a relationship with Jesus Christ through evangelism, community development and activities that promote peace and justice
c. Embrace a Biblical world view as interpreted by The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective
d. Develop communities of faith who demonstrate God’s love and peace
e. Facilitate and support the emergence of contextually appropriate expressions of the Gospel, ministry, leadership and church
f. Embody mutual and respectful relationships among diverse congregations and individuals, both globally and locally
g. Embrace racial ethnic and cultural diversity
h. Equip leaders and congregations to carry out their missional calling
i. Create opportunities for leadership in church, community and mission with the next generation
j. Engage in continual learning through the evaluation and monitoring of major ministry activities
k. Recognize the non-permanence of the expatriate missionary role in each ministry setting