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Ministry Support Teams

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.”
- Acts 13:2-3

The Ministry Support Team (MST) is a vital link between the between the missionary and the supporting home community.

Members and Roles

Usually made up of people from the mission worker’s congregation, family, friends and community, an MST is typically a group of six to eight people with a strong interest in missions and a love for the serving worker.

The main goal of the MST is to link the missionary with his or her network of family, friends, and contacts, working with the home congregation(s) and VMMissions. If the worker has close relationships in more than one congregation, the MST connects people from each congregation to support him/her.

MST members share responsibilities so that no one is overworked. Following are sample roles that VMMissions recommends; adapt and adjust to fit your situation.

  • Team leader: a unique role in helping the MST work together to support the worker. At first, the MST looks to the worker for direction, but as soon as possible, the team leader helps the team take responsibility for meeting the worker’s various needs and gives administrative oversight
  • Church communicator: ensures that two-way communication is happening between the worker and the home congregation
  • Pastoral care provider: gives spiritual support; connects the MST to the church leaders
  • Prayer facilitator: circulates the missionary’s prayer requests and leads prayer network
  • Finance coordinator: monitors finances in cooperation with the congregation’s treasurer and the VMM regional director

For workers serving long-term, the following roles may be needed:

  • Newsletter manager: receives and distributes communication from the worker to supporters
  • Children’s advocate: if missionary children are old enough to have interested peers, include them in supporting the family

Members of the MST agree to:

  • Encourage/counsel the missionary candidate seeking the Lord’s leading.
  • Assist in communicating with supporters.
  • Pray for both the missionary and the team in mission.
  • Take primary responsibility for raising funds and maintaining balances while the missionary serves.

Prayer Network

Regular, committed prayer is foundational to the worker’s call and ministry. VMMissions suggests that the worker and MST gather a network of at least 12 persons who feel called by God to intercede for the worker and the ministry. Because the network does not need to meet together, its members need not be determined by geographic proximity. This prayer network should be developed as early as possible, even as the missionary begins exploring service possibilities. The MST prayer facilitator serves as a vital link between the worker and his/her network of prayer supporters.


If you are interested in being a part of an MST, please contact Karen Yoder at VMMissions.

Learn more about MSTs in more detail.