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Martin Rhodes

Martin Rhodes

Position: Director of Training and Short-term Missions

Martin’s role is to facilitate immersive missional experiences for individuals and groups desiring to follow Jesus faithfully in the world. He facilitates shorter-term mission experiences, through the tranSend and E3 Collective programs, and helps individuals and groups discern God’s call on their lives to follow the way of Jesus.

Formative to Martin’s vocation was a cross-cultural experience as a youth in Mexico serving and learning at a ranch for deaf children. In the rugged beauty of the mountains of the Baja Peninsula, and in the care and love of the deaf children living there, Martin experienced a deep sense of God’s love and care for him. As a result of this experience, he felt called anew to a life of discipleship in the way of Jesus for the glory of God.

Martin enjoys spending time with his family, drinking good coffee, splitting wood, reading, watching movies and discussing theology and the life of the church. Martin is married to Sylvia and they have three children (Elliot, Vincent, Annaliese). He attends Church of the Incarnation in Harrisonburg, Va.

B.S., Philosophy and Theology, Eastern Mennonite University, 2002
M.T.S., Theology and Ethics, Duke University Divinity School, 2007