Nathan and Anya Stan
Nathan and Anya (names changed) are sent by their home congregations in Eastern Europe to the Launch Team in Central Asia as business for transformation (B4T) workers, spending their first year in language learning and relationship building.
James and Anne T.
James and Anne (names changed) T. serve with Pioneers in a dense South Asian city, where James works as a graphic designer. Together they are discipling youth, developing leaders, and working for church multiplication in the Muslim-background believer church.
Elaine U.
Elaine U. (name changed) serves on the Central Asia Launch Team and teaches at an international school. She spends half-time in language learning and connecting with the team, and half-time teaching.
Jay and Em
Jay and Em (names changed) serve in locations in Central and Western Asia in business for transformation, engaging with a ministry team and bringing expertise and experience to current and future transformational businesses.
Max and Melissa Z.
Max (name changed) will work in a management role with an agricultural business for transformation (B4T) in Central Asia. Arriving in late summer 2024, the couple will initially engage in language learning as they transition to professional roles.