Church Planting
Alfonso Alvarado
Alfonso serves as a pastor and church planter of Iglesia Menonita Monte Moriah, Timberville, Virginia, serving in partnership with Grace Mennonite Fellowship and the Northern District of Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Marcello Arrostuto and Marianna Vaglica
Marcello and Marianna serve in an internship with the Shalom Church in Palermo, and are mentored and discipled by pastoral leaders. Marcello is working toward long-term bi-vocational work in pastoral ministry.
Steve Horst and Bethany Tobin
Steve and Bethany are working at evangelism and discipleship among Isaan believers in Nam Yuen, in partnership with the Life Enrichment Church. They serve in partnership with Eastern Mennonite Missions.
Carlin and Chass Kreider
Carlin and Chass are studying language and receiving ministry training in Panama with Every Nation Campus’ church planting team. After one year, they will transition to Cusco, Peru, to focus on campus ministry and church planting.
Juan José Lagos
Juan José and his wife Cecilia are planting Iglesia Cristiana Renuevo, a Spanish-speaking congregation in Winston-Salem, N.C., that partners with the TCK District of Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Mike and Risha Metzler
Mike and Risha are co-pastors and church planters of Mosaic of Grace Church, Harrisonburg, Va., which envisions a community redeemed by Jesus Christ, together pursuing the glory of God for the good of the world.
Raleigh and Opal
Raleigh and Opal (names changed) serve with their four children among an indigenous people group and are making connections for future ministry through business for transformation. They serve in partnership with Rosedale International.
Yacoub Rasul
Yacoub (name changed) is an Egyptian church planter serving among Harrisonburg’s Arabic-speaking community. He is serving in a partnership ministry between VMMissions and Faith Community Church called Love 4 All Nations.
Armando and Veronica Sanchez
Armando and Veronica are church planters and pastors of Iglesia Shalom-Nuevo Comienzo, Waynesboro, Va., partnering with the Southern District of Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Mark and Sarah Schoenhals
Mark and Sarah serve in the rural northeastern Thailand among the Isaan people, where they support the Life Enrichment Church and engage in Bible teaching and leadership development. They serve in partnership with Eastern Mennonite Missions.
David and Rebekka Stutzman
David and Rebekka are church planters in Mannheim who partner with the South German Mennonite Conference to create missional communities and reach spiritual seekers through networking events and spaces.
James and Anne T.
James and Anne (names changed) T. serve with Pioneers in a dense South Asian city, where James works as a graphic designer. Together they are discipling youth, developing leaders, and working for church multiplication in the Muslim-background believer church.
Rafael and Solange Tartari
Rafael and Solange work in partnership with Albanian leaders in the city of Shkodër to model family life in Christ and to multiply disciples, leaders, and faith communities. They serve in partnership with the Evangelical Mennonite Alliance of Brazil.