Mission Workers

Carlin and Chass Kreider
Program name: tranSend
Serving since: 2025
Vocation: Church Planting, College Ministry, Formation in Mission, Learning/Training
Carlin and Chass are being sent by Every Nation Campus (ENC) and Divine Unity Community Church (DUCC) to Panama for language acquisition and ministry training for one year alongside ENC’s church planting team there. After one year, they will transition to Cusco, Peru, to focus on campus ministry and church planting. They have invited other workers to join them on their team in Peru.
Carlin is the brother of VMMissions Missions Mobilizer, Kierston Kreider. Chass has been mentored by Karen Yoder, Ministry Coach, for many years. The Kreiders attend Divine Unity Community Church where Carlin has served on staff as the Campus Ministry Director. In that capacity, he has worked closely with Martin Rhodes in support of campus ministers appointed through the tranSend program.