Mission Workers

David and Rebekka Stutzman
Program name: transForm
Serving since: 2012
Vocation: Church Planting, Discipleship Ministries
David and Rebekka are church planters in the multicultural city of Mannheim, Germany. They also network with young adults throughout Germany who are seeking to live and serve in missional communities in a post-Christian context. They serve in partnership with the South German Mennonite Conference (Verband) and Mennonite Mission Network.
Verband, together with the Mission Commission of the German Mennonite Church, invited Dave and Rebekka Stutzman to church plant in Mannheim and to continue to be involved in leading the missional network the Stutzmans started in their first term of service in Germany. Responding to this invitation, VMMissions has appointed the Stutzmans to serve as seconded workers to Verband for an initial three-year term in Mannheim.
The Stutzmans served for three years (2012-2015) in leadership at the Bammental Mennonite Church in Bammental, Germany, about an hour from Mannheim. Rebekka was born and raised in East Germany, and David spent many of his early childhood years in Germany as a son of missionaries. In the early years of their marriage, they lived, studied and worked in Los Angeles where Rebekka served youth pastor of Maranatha Christian Fellowship, an Indonesian immigrant congregation in Pasadena. Fluent in German, deep in cultural understanding, relationally connected across the church and country, and practitioners of urban and cross-cultural ministry, the Stutzmans are well-equipped for this pioneer assignment.