Mission Workers

Michael and Ruth H.
Program name: transForm
Serving since: 2019
Vocation: Discipleship Ministries, Education, Healthcare, Learning/Training
Michael and Ruth serve with Immerse International, an Intensive English program for immigrants and refugees and a safe living environment for international students. Michael’s role involves the development of business and community partnerships, spiritual formation for staff and students, and training opportunities for mission-focused apprentices through a partnership with Frontier Ventures.
Ruth leads regular in-person and virtual prayer gatherings, and she and Michael, as VMMissions Associated Workers, welcome opportunities for teaching sessions on strategic prayer for international and domestic mission, wholistic prayer ministry as part of VMMissions training cohorts, develop teaching materials for inclusion in VMMissions training modules, and for in-person speaking in VMC congregations.
Their desire is to minister jointly as a couple in the areas of strategic and healing prayer, mobilizing new workers, and organizing and leading short-term teams through the E3 Collective in prayer ministry among and receiving hospitality from Muslims.
As prior long-term workers in Asia, Michael and Ruthy continue to nurture open doors for relationship and ministry in India and Nepal, especially in the area of strategic prayer for Muslims. As part of their emphasis on discipleship and spiritual formation, Michael is enrolled in a two-year spiritual direction program.