Mission Workers

Paulo and Ana Silva
Program name: transForm
Serving since: 2022
Vocation: Business, Discipleship Ministries, Education
Paulo and Ana Silva (names changed) were appointed to serve in a Central Asian country (a sensitive location) to focus on mentoring new workers. They spent 17 years in the region prior to this assignment, serving as team leaders of multinational teams on three separate occasions in that time. They have extensive experience and expertise in organizational management and speak four languages.
For the first year of their assignment, they plan to study language half-time and fulfill their responsibilities on the launch team on a half-time basis.
They have returned to Central Asia to focus on mentoring new workers in their transition to life in their Central Asia country. Paulo was director for an NGO for 7 years, coordinating volunteers and leading training for educators and orphanage workers. Ana worked as the guidance counselor at an international school and has extensive experience in member care and child safety, providing training in this area for five sending organizations in the region, and she has written two e-books on the subjects of TCK issues and safety for children in international contexts.