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Global sisters enrich my life

Mennonite Women USA invited responses to this question for the November/ December issue of Timbrel: How do our global sisters enrich our own lives as well as enrich the life of the church? I immediately knew that this is a question I can answer.

I have the unusual privilege to visit church sisters in the Caribbean region several times a year. Talking with the women in their settings is heart-warming, and sometimes heart-rending.

Sis. Babes in Trinidad explains how to cook local foods, patiently demonstrating making roti or pelau. While cooking, she tells me about her interactions with Muslim neighbors; the light of Christ shines through her in acts of kindness.

Sis. Liza, also in Trinidad, is a lay leader in a congregation there. She not only has administrative skills but is a gifted preacher too. I am enriched as I observe their consistent Christian witness to those around them and learn about the tight family bonds in the culture.

The women in Jamaica impact me with their enduring patience in a country full of complexities. Sis. Janet, a trained counselor, meets young adults and shares their concerns and joys and encourages them to use their gifts in outreach. Her spiritual depth inspires me.

Sis. Lydia, a diminutive woman in physical stature, has a spirit that is steadfast. She enters slum areas with confidence, taking food items to hungry families and inviting the children to activities at the church. Even though she has challenges of her own, she consistently serves the needs of others. She tells me that she won’t be discouraged because she is following Jesus in her work.

One global sister has migrated to the US, Sis. Sydna. She earned a degree from the University of the West Indies, moved to the US, started over getting a driver’s license, training for a job as a medical assistant and taking various temporary jobs until a more long-term job became available. She has told me of her challenges; she has not given up and she relies on God’s strength to carry her through the tough spots.

These and many more global sisters show me that holding onto faith is imperative in this uncertain world. When I may think that my life is too demanding or too difficult, I reflect on these sisters and absorb faith and hope from them. I thank God for the global sisters in my life.

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