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Serve Refugees in Greece

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Refugee Camp - Lesvos
The Kara Tepe Refugee Camp on Lesbos Island, Greece. UN Photo/Rick Bajornas, taken June 18, 2016.

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” – Matthew 25:35

Serve as the hands and feet of Jesus on one of the frontlines of the refugee crisis in Europe, the island of Lesvos, Greece. Show the love of God and serve the daily needs of displaced people waiting for their path to a new life.

Largely because of recent conflicts and destabilization in the the Middle East and Africa, this Greek island is the first point of entry into Europe from Asia as many pass through Turkey on their way to Europe and beyond. Located only four miles from the coast of Turkey, this stretch of the Aegean Sea fills with dangerous rubber boats and rafts—the transportation of last resort for men, women, children and babies fleeing war and ethnic violence.

Learn more by contacting Kierston Kreider.