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Five Centuries of Anabaptist Mission

The Winter 2025 issue of Transforming focuses on characteristics of the early Anabaptist movement and how they continue to shape mission today. It examines the theology, practice, and migration of Anabaptists which resulted in a particular approach to mission.

The Seven Acts of Mercy - Ministering to Prisoners, painting by Michael Sweerts, 1649 (Public domain)The Seven Acts of Mercy – Ministering to Prisoners, painting by Michael Sweerts, 1649 (Public domain; private collection).
Tent meeting with evangelist J. Otis Yoder, Richmond, Virginia, 1948 (Eugene Souder photo)Tent meeting with evangelist J. Otis Yoder, Richmond, Virginia, 1948 (Eugene Souder photo).
Mennonite mission in Mount Hermon, West Virginia, ca. 1940s (Grace Showalter collection, courtesy of Elwood Yoder)Mennonite mission in Mount Hermon, West Virginia, ca. 1940s (Grace Showalter collection, courtesy of Elwood Yoder).
Isaan members of Life Enrichment Church visit a community for gospel outreach in Thailand, 2023 (Courtesy of Bethany Tobin)Isaan members of Life Enrichment Church visit a community for gospel outreach in Thailand, 2023 (Courtesy of Bethany Tobin).