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Update: Albania Earthquake Relief Fund

VMMissions is delighted to report that the Albania Earthquake Relief Fund needs have been met! Thank you! Through December 31, 2019, VMMissions has received $28,712 towards the expenses of a temporary shelter in Lezhë, Albania, for 15 Roma families who lost their homes in Albania’s recent 6.4-magnitude earthquake. These gifts are sufficient to cover the needs of the shelter until the families are expected to be resettled by local government in early January. VMMissions has also received sufficient funds to meet the need for trauma counseling for persons affected by the earthquake and continuing aftershocks. We are grateful for your generous support!

Contributions are still welcomed to help Lezha Academic Center with multiple needs related to the earthquake, including building repair and safety upgrades. Gifts for LAC can be made online or by check, made out to Albanian Christian Education Foundation (ACEF), and sent to 601 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802.

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