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Authentic Disciples on Mission

Linford and Janet Stutzman on their sailboat Sailing Acts.

A bold, irrepressible witness characterized both the Early Church and the early Anabaptist movement, who fearlessly, prophetically, and persuasively shared the good news of the Kingdom in a dangerous environment, under threat of severe persecution and even death.

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Timeline of the Anabaptist Movement

Marker in Zurich, Switzerland, where the baptism of Grebel, Manz, and Blaurock took place in 1525. Photo by Evergreen68/Wikipedia.

A timeline of major events in Anabaptist history from the first rebaptisms of the movement in 1525 to the present day, noting persecutions and migrations of different Anabaptist groups around the world.

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Two-Fold Gospel Witness

Michael Sattler preaches in the woods. Painting by Mike Atnip (Public Domain).

Anabaptists saw the local church as the community of daily discipleship that incarnationally embodied that larger identity. Most shocking in light of the imminent threat of foreign armies was their call to love even enemies. They made the costly case to fellow Christians that the suffering of the cross is Jesus’ call to all believers.

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Three Defining Traits of Anabaptist Mission

Aaron M. Kauffman

From the beginning, Anabaptism was a missionary movement. Converts shared their faith boldly, often at great personal cost. In response to intense persecution, quietism came to characterize succeeding generations. But a resurgence of Anabaptist missional fervor led to a truly global Anabaptism today.

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Five Centuries of Anabaptist Mission

Mennonite mission in Mount Hermon, WV, ca. 1940s

This issue of Transforming focuses on characteristics of the early Anabaptist movement and how they continue to shape mission today. It examines the theology, practice, and migration of Anabaptists which resulted in a particular approach to mission.

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From Brazil to Albania

Norma Teles

Called to Albania as a mission worker 25 years ago, Norma’s ministry has made a generational impact. “We can see how the power of the word of God can transform anyone who receives it, and how that transformation brings hope, not only to individuals, but also to the community,” she writes.

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From Everywhere to Everyone

Map of workers sending and receiving

Many are now being sent from the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, places formerly viewed as mission fields. VMMissions has been living into this shifting reality in many ways. Currently, a third of VMMissions workers come from the Majority World.

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The Whole Church to the Whole World

Aaron M. Kauffman

God’s primary strategy for reaching the world remains the church, everyday followers of Jesus like you and me. To my joy and utter astonishment, that church now includes believers from every continent on the globe, and most of the world’s known people groups.

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Worker Profile: Joy M. (name changed)

Art and handicraft market in a Central Asia city park. Photo: Francisco Anzola via Flickr

Joy (name changed) serves on the Launch Team in Central Asia, where she is studying the local language and culture and teaches middle and high school science part-time at an international school. She sees her role as integral in the spiritual formation of these students with whom she has the privilege of developing relationships.

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The Story of Squirrel Toys

Anowar (name changed) with a wooden toy in the process of being made.

When Anowar’s uncle was forced out of his ancestral Muslim village because he now followed Jesus, he wondered how he could help his uncle find work. Anowar had two young daughters of his own and wanted his kids to develop creativity. The idea was born to create quality wooden toys, and the business, organized around B4T principles, took off.

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Call to Prayer: Reflecting Christ in Relationships

Central Asia city

We want to reflect Christ in our lives here; that is the most important aspect of our vision for our work in this Central Asian country. Our Muslim neighbors are often outwardly religious, but there are often underlying longings. Prayer helps us connect with what is below the surface.

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Business as Gospel Opportunity

Hahns and Suzy Kanode

Seeing business as a tool for transformation allows for a holistic approach in an authentic manner as relationships are built and cultivated over time. We believe that business is a great venue for spreading the knowledge of Christ and what it means to follow him through ongoing relationships.

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