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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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net·work·ing noun 1. a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest Networking. This is the one word that can sum up what my role in the Czech Republic has been this past year. Being the first mission intern in Prague for EMM and VMM means my primary…

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When waiting for God’s Spirit, who knows what might result!

Recently, we have been given the opportunity to share in village gatherings and to teach a Bible study for leaders of the LEC. Although our ability to communicate is still limited, these occasions have brought us great encouragement and renewed vision.

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Love causes Roberto to do an about-face

When we first met Roberto*, he was a man with a bleak outlook on life and had no use for God. “How can God be good when bad things happen to good people?” “I am a good person and do good things, and if there is a God, he will let me into heaven.” This…

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Reflections on the city of rubble: a view through a bullet hole

Words do not come easily when I think of how to describe this city. Contrasts abound. A quiet sorrow hovers, a faint memory of a city, once great, now reduced to rubble. As we traveled from the relative safety of a car with tinted windows, my host pointed at mounds of concrete, skeletons of the…

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Medical team helps hundreds

When our medical team arrived in Haiti in February, we had a difficult time getting through customs with 14 suitcases of medication. Officials checked expiration dates on the medications and asked many questions about what we were doing and what documentation we had. Fortunately, we were able to get through with everything we brought. Friday…

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God is good and showing the way in the midst of trials

Kristel Cajun, 14, is deaf. She likes to sign “God Is So Good” during worship at Jesus Deaf Church. It’s this song that came to my mind as I reflected on what God had done this year. Manuel Tosh, 21, (in photo at right with Nancy Marshall) has grown in confidence and faith, and now…

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God is raising up a new pastoral couple: Ramon and Kamla

In 2006, during the first baptismal service our congregation in Sangre Grande had after we were installed as the pastoral couple, I baptized a couple who had received Jesus as their Savior and Lord. We quickly noticed spiritual growth in Ramon & Kamla. They were humble and teachable. Before long they began participating in Friendship…

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Chickens, pigs, and more at Maranatha School for the Deaf

We have been blessed to be a part of the work at Maranatha School for the Deaf and the local Mennonite Church. It’s awe-inspiring to see how God works in our lives and provides for us, the school, the church, and our friends. The chicken operation at the school is in full swing and Rodney…

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“Gracias a Dios” for God’s presence and every small miracle

The past year God has placed several amazing people into my life as friends, pastors, a support system and to stretch me as a Christian in Guatemala. One of those people is Rigoberto, the guardian of SEMILLA. He´s often the first worker I see in the morning, and the last one I see in the…

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An accidental hair appointment?

Come and see what God has done: his awesome deeds for humankind. Psalm 66:5 Our time in Colombia has been, from the beginning, enveloped in relationship. Defined not by what we have done as much as who we have come to know, who has put down roots in our hearts, and who we cry for…

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The unfinished task

“I’ve never heard of evangelicals before. What do they believe?” asked a university student studying English in Centro Koinonia’s “after-school” program. This student’s lack of knowledge surprised us since he comes from a cultured, educated family, his father a surgeon at Bari’s university hospital! It’s a reminder that Italy remains an “under-reached” nation! Consider with…

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Lots of doors for ministry open through Italian public schools

When we put our boys into the public schools four years ago, we had some doubts and fears about what would happen. We heard some pretty bad stories about the schools and in our four years we have seen some episodes that remind us, “These are not American schools!” The schools that our boys attend…

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