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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Mission encouragements at Joshua Center

By Norma Teles It has been a cold winter here in Lezhe, but we have been blessed in a lot of ways. The work at Joshua Center is going well. I can see God working in a very special way in the lives of the little ones. In spite of the cold, attendance was very…

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A thirty-year round trip of mission

Thirty years ago this year, in the early years of Eastern Mennonite Mission’s Youth Evangelism Service (YES) program, three other young adults and I loaded into a gigantic Buick and sailed from Pennsylvania to the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) base in Elm Springs, Arkansas, for three months of discipleship training. This was followed by…

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Miraculous turnaround experienced at Lezha Academic Center

“When you walk through fire, the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God; the Holy one of Israel, your Savior.” Isaiah 42:3 We have been through our share of fires this year at Lezha Academic Center. The first months of our ministry here were full of conflict. Struggles with…

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God is a rewarder!

We are amazed in the ways we see God working in our midst and around the world. Many people are speaking of these days as one of the most amazing times to be alive in all of history. We see God awakening people’s desire for Him, to really know Him, not just know information about…

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Loren Horst

Winds of the Spirit

The Spirit blows at will, we are told. We do not fully know its direction nor can we ever adequately predict its affect. We can, however, see some of the results and we have been told what fruit to look for. We do well to continue to look for “love, joy, peace” as evidence of where the Spirit is blowing.

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In Christ, all things new

Along the course of my life I committed many errors, often in good faith, as I lived to fulfill my personal needs according to worldly models. I didn’t realize that those errors had a specific name: SIN. Being completely unaware of the importance of marriage in God’s eyes and ignorant of His precious teachings, my…

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Much given, much required: a reflection on Belizean visit

Down a street in the Central American town of Orange Walk, Belize, sits a garbage can. It’s painted bright yellow with flowers and the words “Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life.” This is the home of Nancy Marshall, joint mission worker with VMM and EMM. She devotes her time to…

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Introducing the Anabaptist Missional Project

Virginia Mennonite Missions recently granted Approved Ministry status to the Anabaptist Missional Project (AMP). A VMMissions Approved Ministry is a ministry that we do not directly administrate or control but is related to, or is like, the work that we do. VMMissions lends counsel and support to such ministries, including the receipting of financial contributions.…

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Elaine and Morris Baker

Jamaica Mennonite Church Leader Dies

Pastor Morris Baker died in Kingston on February 15, 2012, after a five-month illness. He served as pastor of the Alpine Mennonite Church since 1995. He was appointed president of the Jamaica Mennonite Church in March 2011.

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Gloria Lehman

Global Sisters Enrich My Life

I have the unusual privilege to visit church sisters in the Caribbean region several times a year. Talking with the women in their settings is heart-warming, and sometimes heart-rending. Global sisters show me that holding onto faith is imperative in this uncertain world.

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A pause for prayer at life’s end

My patient was a young man with right leg swelling of several weeks’ duration. He had a large abscess in his thigh that pressed on the large vein nearby, causing it to clot off. Clots of this nature are dangerous, because they can break loose and travel to the heart and lungs, which can be…

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Building houses and building trust in North Korea

North Korea has burst into our awareness again recently with the death of their president, Kim Jong-il. The world has watched as his young son, Kim Jong-un, is being elevated into leadership. This is a good time for us to be reminded that God’s Spirit is alive and present with the people of North Korea…

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