Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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Word and Deed
An interesting dichotomy has been argued in Christian mission. Should the Christian’s mission in the world focus on verbal witness, or should acts of care and compassion be our priority? Word or deed? I answer the question with a resounding, “Yes! Both!”
Read MoreGiving One’s Life
During our Christmas holidays my five year old granddaughter came to me and said, “Do you know what, Grandpa? I gave my heart to Jesus.” Bless that little heart! She told her mother, “When Jesus knocks, you must let him in!”
Read MoreThe Consequence of Christmas
When I think of consequences my mind first goes a rather negative direction. We call it the fear of consequences and are reminded that we reap what we sow, or are warned, “be sure your sins will find you out.” There are, however, good consequences.
Read MoreLet’s “transForm” Missions and the World
VMMissions’ transForm program is a support initiative intended to provide up to 50% of the support for long-term workers similar to the way we now support tranSend internships. VMMissions is creating a hybrid support model, combining the best of the new and the old.
Read MorePaid to Serve the Lord?
Being paid to serve God does have its advantages. One advantage is that it increases the available time for service. In some cases missionaries have no other option. I am, however, interested in others who, like Paul, “haven’t made use of any of these rights.” We often call them tentmakers.
Read MoreExponential: Accelerating Multiplication
Exponential Conference has become a significant conference of leaders and practitioners engaged in God’s work of planting churches. Held annually in Orlando, Florida, this year’s conference included 5,000 people, with 24 persons attending through Virginia Mennonite Missions.
Read MoreWinds of the Spirit
The Spirit blows at will, we are told. We do not fully know its direction nor can we ever adequately predict its affect. We can, however, see some of the results and we have been told what fruit to look for. We do well to continue to look for “love, joy, peace” as evidence of where the Spirit is blowing.
Read MoreThe Global Family of Faith
A church conference dare not exist for itself. Myopic or extended self-absorbed attention tends to devolve into defensiveness and mere maintenance. It is for these reasons that I believe in missions. The church must always think beyond itself and risk its life for the sake of others.
Read MoreTransformed, Transforming.
All of us at Virginia Mennonite Missions share in common the desire to be instruments of God’s transformation. Then, transformation turns around and continues to change us! Thinking we were the ones changing others, we discover that we are the ones being changed.
Read MoreOur Core Values
One way to promote integrity and reduce hypocrisy is to write down our core values, share them with others, and then openly compare what we do and what we say. Sometimes the results are gratifying. Sometimes they identify areas in which we need to grow.
Read MoreBaptism as Remembering
I attended a baptismal service again recently, and it brought to mind my own baptism 47 years ago. I didn’t understand everything, but enough to know that the faith of my parents was not something to be absorbed by association, but by deliberate conviction and decision.
Read MoreA Half-Serious Lament
With a bit of sadness this summer, I witnessed the final decisions associated with dissolving Ohio District of Virginia Mennonite Conference. It made sense since the district had essentially become an “empty set,” but a nearly 60-year era has passed.
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