Invest in God’s Harvest
Our God is a God of surprises. A childless couple, Abraham and Sarah, become the parents of a nation through whom the whole world will be blessed. A foreigner and widow, Ruth, follows her mother-in-law Naomi to the land of Israel, only to become the grandmother of David, Israel’s most famous king. A helpless babe in a manger is none other than the Word of God made flesh, sent for our salvation.
At VMMissions, we step out in faith with the God who can do more than we ask or imagine. Here’s just one story of many we have the privilege of participating in.

Armando and Veronica Sanchez Courtesy photo
A drug addicted woman accepts food but not the gospel at an outreach event of Iglesia Shalom, a Spanish-speaking church plant in Waynesboro, Virginia. Yet she trusts church planters Armando and Veronica Sanchez enough to ask for help for a family member in need. Her history of drug addiction makes Armando suspicious of her motives. Tired after a long work week, he doesn’t want to waste time on a ploy for drug money. Veronica is persistent, and he finally agrees to visit the nearby address.
To Armando’s surprise, a woman opens the door. She has come from Mexico to care for her husband. A car accident ten months ago has left him paralyzed from the neck down. Moved with compassion, the Sanchezes provide food and the sanitary diapers the man needs. They share the gospel and the couple accepts Christ as their Savior that night. In faith, they ask God to raise the man out of his bed.
Three weeks later, the wife calls. Her husband no longer needs the diapers. He’s even begun to move his hands a little! As the Sanchezes continue making regular visits, the couple can’t wait for the weather to improve so they can attend Iglesia Shalom in person.
Jesus challenges us to envision the impossible: “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35).
This spring, we invite you to invest in God’s harvest with a gift to VMMissions. Our Mission Fund allows us to support workers like Armando and Veronica. Can you help us raise the $65,200 we need by the end of April to keep pace with our budget? God can do more than we ask or imagine when we step out in faith.
In expectation,
Aaron M. Kauffman