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Learning through ‘faith’

Having just recently passed the one-year “anniversary” of our arrival here in Montenegro it feels like a good time to reflect on our journey so far.

We have been present at celebrations of birthdays, baptisms, and holidays as well as being privileged to share in the grief of a passing church member. Steve has faithfully attended the weekly “brothers’ meeting” which serves as a church council, as well as doing some teaching, preaching and discipling. I have been blessed to attend the “sisters’ meetings” which are more informal, and take place about twice a month.

Our main goal during our current term is language learning. We have a language tutor, Vera (which means ‘faith’), who comes to our home twice a week and teaches us for approximately an hour each-while the other parent watches the girls. Vera is a dear sister from church so it is an added benefit to be able to talk with her about spiritual things. During the transition time between Steve’s lessons and my own, Ruth and Esther love to visit with Vera. In addition to the lessons themselves we have homework assignments to complete between classes.

Other ways we learn about the language and culture include grocery shopping and watching TV or movies, either in English with Serbian subtitles or in Serbian—shows aimed at the girls age level are perfect for our language comprehension.

Laura Campbell (left) with Ruth, language tutor Vera with Esther Campbell. Photo courtesy of authorPerhaps one of the greatest tools is attending church where we hear Serbian in both the songs and the teaching time, as well as in communicating with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Having the girls with us brings both challenges and opportunities. Sometimes the girls’ schedule conflicts with an important church event, but on the flip side, some people are more open to us because of our energetic and outgoing children.

Please pray that we will be fluent in the language by the end of this term and ready to fully engage in God’s work here.


Laura Campbell (left) with Ruth, language tutor Vera with Esther Campbell. Photo courtesy of author

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