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N.T. Wright to Give Lectures in Harrisonburg, VA

Fall 2018 Missional Partnership Event

N.T. Wright is a prolific author for both academic and popular readers. He is the author of Simply Jesus, Surprised by Hope, The Day the Revolution Began, Jesus and the Victory of God, and Paul and the Faithfulness of God. He is also the author of the For Everyone Series of New Testament commentaries.

He currently serves as Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Previously Wright served as Bishop of Durham, Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey, and Dean of Lichfield Cathedral. Over the past twenty years he served as Professor of New Testament Studies at Cambridge, McGill, and Oxford Universities.

He writes often for newspapers in England, including the Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He has been interviewed numerous times by radio and television broadcasters on both sides of the Atlantic, including ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS, FOX, and NPR. N.T. Wright Online provides courses developed by Professor N.T. Wright of St. Andrews University, Scotland, such as Simply Jesus and Paul and His Letter to the Ephesians.


Tuesday, November 13
7:30-9:00 a.m. • Area Pastors’ Breakfast (registration required) at Park View Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall
Twelve Steps to Transformative Christian Citizenship: Some Biblical Challenges (plus Q&A)

11:00-11:45 a.m.
Eastern Mennonite Seminary Chapel at Martin Chapel
The Spirit and the Church’s Task (based on John 16:4b–15)

7:00-8:30 p.m. • Keynote at JMU’s Memorial Hall
Signposts from a Suffering World: How God Reveals Himself Despite Everything (Learn more at thecafeveritas.org/)

Wednesday, November 14
10:10-11:00 a.m. • Eastern Mennonite University Chapel at Lehman Auditorium
The Day the Revolution Began: Atonement the Right Way Round

11:00-11:30 a.m. • Post chapel Q&A with N.T. Wright at Lehman Auditorium

7:00-8:30 p.m. • Augsburger Lecture Series Colloquium Address at Lehman Auditorium
Promised Glory: Thinking Straight about God and the World (plus Q&A)

Church of the Incarnation • Eastern Mennonite University Augsberger Lecture Series • Eastern Mennonite University Bible and Religion Dept. • Eastern Mennonite Seminary • Park View Mennonite Church • Virginia Mennonite Conference • VMMissions

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