Home » Europe


Current opportunities:

Kara-Tepe-Refugee-Camp UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Serve Refugees in Greece

Join the E3 Collective trip to Lesvos, Greece in Fall 2024, to serve refugees at their entry point to Europe, just four miles from the shore of Turkey. Show the love of God and serve the daily needs of displaced people.

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Join us on a pilgrimage through Germany in May and June 2024, visiting old cities and new projects, getting to know people and communities, and exploring what it means to follow Jesus in the post-Christian landscape of today’s church in Europe.

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Germany childcare

Germany: Childcare Assistant and Café Ministry

Empower a long-term pioneer mission worker family through child care and home help as needed while participating in the life of the Emmaus Gemeinschaft missional community, and build relationships through service at a Christian café.

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Albania: Teacher’s Assistant for Preschool

Serve as a teacher’s assistant for the Joshua Center preschool, working with the Roma population of Lezhë, Albania. Work with Joshua Center director Norma Teles and other preschool teachers to educate and share the good news of Jesus with children.

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Kosovo: Pioneer Church Planter

Study the Albanian language and Kosovar culture, and form a long-term church planting team, partner with existing believers, and plant gospel seeds through building community relationships.

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Mannheim, Germany

Germany: Church Planter and Discipleship Pioneer

Explore church planting and discipleship in the urban, post-Christian setting of Mannheim, Germany, known as one of the more intercultural cities in Germany. Join a team and help to resource a national network for persons interested in living out the gospel in their culture.

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Kierston Kreider

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch with Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer, and he’ll work with you to identify what opportunities might be a good fit.