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Service sows passion to see German youth grow in God

In reflecting over this past year on my mission-intern assignment in Kaiserslautern, Germany, I have been astounded in God revealing more of the passions and skills He has placed in me. I have the opportunity and blessing to live with nine Germans currently between the ages of 16-19 years old. The youth live here for a one-year volunteer discipleship program.

As my German language ability has greatly increased, I can now relate to the youth on a personal and deep level. This current team arrived not even two months ago, and I have been awed by God’s work in me to them. Where I once used to be a helpless baby-chick linguistically, I am now a sort of spiritual mother to these youth.

Our weekly Monday seminars, Bible studies, evening conversations around the table, and worshipping together has brought up past struggles and desperations from the youth. I have had the opportunity to listen, walk with, and counsel, to a degree, many of these youth. They have become dear to my heart and I am very passionate about seeing them grow in God’s healing, freedom and love.

I also love to worship and am given weekly opportunities to lead worship with our youth and church body on Sundays. In surrendering all of ourselves through worship, we discover God’s freedom, healing and reverent love for us. Being immersed and working in German culture, I know their cultural mindset and need for structure, order and tremendous control. Only in giving it all up, however, can we really be open to His love and freedom. I am passionate about encouraging this freedom in worship.

In discerning my future, I feel God calling me to stay here for a while longer. I am passionate about seeing discipleship growth in the German youth, building deeper relationships with my classmates who I learned German with, and being a part of God’s ministry in this city. I thank you and ask for your continued support!



Marsha (center) with youth she relates to in Germany. Courtesy of author

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