VMMissions Now Hiring: Human Resources Manager

March 5, 2021

Virginia Mennonite Missions seeks a full-time Human Resources Manager (consideration will be given for a part-time position if preferred). This individual will be the primary human resources officer for VMMissions, handling employment applications, coordinating hire and termination events, administering payroll and benefits, and leading the work to review and improve HR systems. Responsibilities will include administrative and office management duties to support the work of VMMissions’ staff.


VMMissions Joins Honduras Hurricane Relief Initiatives

December 4, 2020

After two major hurricanes only two weeks apart bore down on Honduras, VMMissions was invited to join several relief initiatives led by Honduran churches with whom we have relational links, and Manantial de Vida, a partner congregation within Virginia Mennonite Conference. A total of $22,000 is needed to respond to practical needs such as family sanitation kits, food packet distribution in isolated communities, and repairs to homes and church structures.



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