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VMMissions Blesses 130 Families through Relief Effort

In March 2020, VMMissions launched the Coronavirus Immigrant Care Fund as a domestic response to immigrants in need due to job loss and other hardships related to the coronavirus pandemic. Staff person Lizzette Hernandez led a distribution committee that fielded requests, verified needs, and made distributions. All told, VMMissions distributed $38,940 to 130 families in Virginia and North Carolina.

The committee, which included Mark Miller, Armando and Veronica Sanchez, Pablo Hernandez, Alfonso Alvarado and Juan and Cecilia Lagos, has completed its work. “What a beautiful expression of God’s heart of compassion,” commented VMMissions President Aaron Kauffman. “I am so grateful for the committee’s work to share with our neighbors in need, and for the donors who made this possible.”

One woman’s testimony serves as a vivid example of how greatly the beneficiaries appreciated these relief funds. “God sent us this help at the right time,” she said. “I was preparing dinner with the last thing we had left in our pantry, wondering what we were going to eat tomorrow. I can’t thank you enough!”

Video: Persons who received help from the VMMissions Coronavirus Immigrant Care Fund shared their gratitude in a video shared during a VMMissions event on November 21, 2020.

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