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Thank You for Sharing the Hope of Jesus

VMMissions is thankful for God’s provision and the generosity of our supporters. We asked God to provide $190,000 before the end of the 2023 calendar year to keep pace with our budget.

We are so grateful for the way God responded through many generous partners, resulting in exceeding our goal by $10,000, raising a total of $200,025. This is the second highest year-to-date total in the last 16 years! We are now at 45% of the total fiscal year Mission Fund goal of $440,000.

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Where do you find hope?

A new album by Christian singer-songwriter Victory Boyd has been reminding me where to look. It’s called Glory Hour. Victory grew up in a family of talented musicians, and she has performed with some of the biggest names in the music industry.

Yet what motivates her calling and sustains her through the trials of life is her deep faith in Jesus. Glory Hour points us toward the promise that Jesus is greater than our troubles. Sooner or later, he will shine light into our darkness. And one day our suffering will be swallowed up in the neverending glory of God’s presence. “Fan the flame of faith in your heart and believe,” she tells her listeners.

Church planter Armando Sanchez prepares a group of new 
believers for baptism.  Photo: Veronica Sanchez

Church planter Armando Sanchez prepares a group of new believers for baptism. Photo: Veronica Sanchez

The work of VMMissions is to share the hope we have found in Jesus. As the Apostle Peter encourages us, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). Glory hour is coming, and we get to proclaim this good news.

Whether serving in the local jail, the immigrant community, the marketplace or the slums of Asia, our workers point to the lasting source of hope in our world—Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.

Donations to our Mission Fund enable us to call, equip, send and support workers fanning the flame of hope in our world as we proclaim “God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6).

With gratitude,
Aaron M. Kauffman

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