Bike Shenandoah Celebrates 25th Annual Ride
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From the one year old riding in a bike seat with her dad to the 81 year old who rode the 50K route, all 84 participants of the 25th anniversary Bike Shenandoah enjoyed their time on the road and in community on September 17, raising money for six local organizations.
The event was a resounding success, raising a total of approximately $28,000.
In addition to the funds raised to help support six local organizations engaged in services and ministries with both local and global impact, this ride continues to be a fun and accessible event for people of all ages. The goals are to build community and create friendships around a common cause and a common interest.
Bike Shenandoah had some exciting additions this year. It was a special treat to have two of the beneficiary organizations include their own groups of participants in the ride. Eleven youth participated in the 25K ride as the first of many adventures to come as they begin their year-long journey with SLAQ (Servant Leadership Quest), a ministry led by VMMissions worker Ken Wettig. And for the first time, children from the Roberta Webb Early Education Center also participated in a “bike rodeo.” Approximately 15 children and their families (who benefit from the funds raised by Bike Shenandoah) joined in the fun.
Prizes were awarded to those who increased the impact of their ride by engaging their friends as sponsors. Les Graber, Maren Hange, and Christine Carpenter all received gift cards to Shenandoah Bike Company for bringing in the most sponsorships. Dr. Paul Yoder won the prize for the “most mature” rider at 81 years old.
A highlight for riders of Bike Shenandoah is often the snack table at the Mt. Clinton Mennonite Church rest stop, and the energy bars made by Sonya Eberly. Former board member Steve Carpenter has heard rave reviews of these bars for years, but has never been able to pull himself away from ride day duties until this year. Upon returning this year from his 25K ride, he reported that, “They were everything I hoped they would be, and better!” The event organizers are very grateful for Sonya and all our volunteers who make this event special, year after year.
All of the organizations who benefit from the Bike Shenandoah event, including VMMissions, are grateful for all of the business and individual sponsors, and participants in this annual ride. Their generosity helps make the work possible as these agencies and organizations serve their neighbors near and far.