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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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The Gospel in cultural context

With eyes riveted in wonder at the dancers and their gentle gyrations, Wiang’s heart leapt in longing.  Who are these people who can dance with such freedom and joy?  Did she care who they were?  Not really.  She simply sensed intuitively that she belonged among them. Wiang was attending a gathering of followers of Jesus. …

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First international tranSenders finish well

“We’re here to honor Dino & Mara for their service among us this year.” With these words, Centro Koinonia’s usual mid-week meeting suddenly burst into a surprise farewell party! After listing their many accomplishments, we gave them a hearty round of applause, words of appreciation, incomparable party delicacies, plus many embraces and kisses, Italian-style! Here’s…

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Vision becomes reality for Albanian Christian School

Albanian Christian School (ACS), a vision of Klementina and Dini Shahini and an initiative supported by Virginia Mennonite Missions and Eastern Mennonite Missions, will open its doors in Lezhe, Albania in September 2011. A Vision Support Team is providing oversight to the school. Klementina Shahini, an Albanian and American educator, will serve as executive director…

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Educating for faith and life in the world

On Sunday evening October 10, Park View Mennonite Church hosted a community celebration of the many educational endeavors that have been associated with the Virginia Mennonite Conference. It was one of the events in a year-long series commemorating the 175th anniversary of Virginia Mennonite Conference. Park View Mennonite Church was chosen since it had its…

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On the death of two bishops

By Owen Burkholder Lloyd S. Horst died October 7, 2010 at the age of 97. Truman H. Brunk, Jr. died October 8, 2010 at the age of 79. At both funerals, I heard the descriptor “Encourager.” And, “gentle.” Each of these men was ordained in Virginia Mennonite Conference. Lloyd served as pastor and ordained bishop…

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Mennonite Publishing Network & Third Way Media plan to merge

Dynamic, innovative, fully integrated and multimedia—that’s the goal of a new organization to be formed out of an integration of Mennonite Publishing Network (MPN) and Third Way Media (formerly Mennonite Media), a department of Mennonite Mission Network (MMN). Their merger will bring together strengths in publishing, video, radio, and the internet. The planned merger, approved…

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Lutherans reconcile with Virginia Peninsula Mennonite congregations

In response to an invitation from Reverend Frederick Guy and the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church congregation in Newport News, Va., representatives from four local Mennonite congregations attended a “reconciliation” service and reception on Sunday, October 3. Eighteen persons from peninsula Mennonite churches—Huntington, Providence, Warwick River and Williamsburg—were warmly welcomed by Trinity Lutheran as, “our sisters…

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