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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Invest in God’s Harvest

At VMMissions, we step out in faith with the God who can do more than we ask or imagine. This spring, we invite you to invest in God’s harvest with a gift to VMMissions. Can you help us raise the $65,200 we need by the end of April to keep pace with our budget?

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Aaron M. Kauffman

The Gospel is for Everyone

We launched A Church of Many Cultures in 2021 with the goal of raising $3 million for three new areas of ministry: Business for Transformation, Global Church Planting, and a Mission Training Center. I am happy to share that as of this month, we have raised nearly $2.7 million.

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Thank You for Investing in the Life-Changing Kindness of Jesus Christ

Christmas is about God’s kindness toward us in Jesus Christ. In a world where kindness is in short supply, this is good news. Thank you for helping us share this with the world through a gift to the Mission Fund and meeting our 2021 year-end goal.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Declaring the Healing Power of Jesus

I want to share two recent stories of the healing only Jesus can bring. Dramatic physical healing is not always our experience today, yet Scripture promises that the cross is God’s ultimate answer to the sickness of sin. Your generosity makes these stories possible.

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Mission Fund Update

Share the Light of Jesus

As 2020 came to a close, we invited you to help us reach our Mission Fund goal of raising $100,000 by December 31. Thank you for helping us reach our goal! VMMissions raised just over $101,000.

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Giving Tuesday 2020

#GivingTuesday Raises $4,800 for Mission

VMMissions thanks the 36 donors who contributed a total of $4,800 to this year’s #GivingTuesday campaign. This includes a matching gift of $800 from Everence. VMMissions will use these contributions to multiply disciples among neighbors near and far.

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Keep Your Distance 5K

Keep Your Distance 5K Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Keep Your Distance 5K! Over six days, walkers and runners from around the world came together (virtually) and completed 232.5 miles while showing their support for VMMissions.

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Face mask campaign

Cloth Face Mask Goal Exceeded

VMMissions launched a drive for cloth face masks for four area poultry plants, with a goal of 1,500. Due to an incredible outpouring of support, we have exceeded this goal by 575 masks! Thank you to everyone who gave of their time, talent, and resources.

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Mission Fund Update

2020 Year End Financial Goal Exceeded

VMMissions is delighted to report that we exceeded our year-end financial goal of $100,000 by almost $7,000. Thank you! We are grateful to God and to everyone who has prayed, given financially, and supported our work in many ways.

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Albania earthquake relief

Update: Albania Earthquake Relief Fund

VMMissions is delighted to report that the Albania Earthquake Relief Fund needs have been met! In 2019, VMMissions received $28,712 towards the expenses of a temporary shelter in Lezhë for 15 Roma families who lost their homes in Albania’s 6.4-magnitude earthquake.

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Mission Fund Update

2019 Mission Fund Goal Nearly Reached

We express a hearty thank you for your generous gifts to our Mission Fund during our 2019 fiscal year end campaign! We ended the campaign on August 31 with $146,404 received of the $150,000 goal.

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Mission Fund Update

End of 2018 Mission Fund Goal Raises $103K

Thank you for your generosity as we finished 2018. We raised $103,401, or 92% of our Mission Fund goal. Thank you for helping us share the greatest gift ever given.

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