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Thank You for Investing in the Life-Changing Kindness of Jesus Christ

Give Kindness

Aaron M. KauffmanChristmas is about kindness, God’s kindness toward us in Jesus Christ. In a world where kindness is in short supply, this is good news. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Yet this kindness also invites us to change. “God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance” (Romans 2:4). Christmas invites us to throw off the shackles of sin and receive the new life only Jesus can bring.

Through your generosity, we have the privilege of supporting ministries that share the kindness of God in Jesus Christ and invite people to respond in repentance and faith. One such ministry is led by a partner of ours in a Balkan country. This man has a welding shop where he trains recovering addicts like himself in a trade, while also mentoring them in the Christian faith.

A VMMissions partner in a Balkan country trains recovering addicts in the welding trade.

In his words: “It’s very hard to trust ex-addicted people because we did a lot of bad things during our addiction. I recognize the most helpful thing for these people is trust. No one trusts them. So what we try to do here in my shop as a ministry is to really give them trust. I did lose hope many times in these ten years of my ministry. I would call our leaders and tell them, ‘I’m done. I’m done. I cannot do it anymore.’ And then the next day somebody else comes from the rehab center, and my heart is so warm for that guy, and I cannot leave him alone, and I would call him. That’s how I recognize that this call is from God. I couldn’t stop it. I even tried! God taught me one thing. That one man, one soul, is huge. Sometimes I would like to see 20, 30 or 50 people stay and follow Jesus Christ. There are five. And God says, ‘Good! Five people are saved.’”

This Christmas, we invited you to invest in the life-changing kindness of Jesus Christ through a gift to VMMissions. Your donations will help train and support more gospel workers as they plant churches, lead businesses, serve the community, and minister to those in need. We met our goal of raising $160,000 before the end of the calendar year. As of January 12, we have raised a final campaign total of $166,783, or 104% of the goal. Thank you for giving the gift of kindness to a world that desperately needs it.

With gratitude,
Aaron M. Kauffman

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