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2019 Mission Fund Goal Nearly Reached

Update: I want to express a hearty THANK YOU for your generous gifts to our Mission Fund during our fiscal year end campaign! We ended the campaign on August 31 with $146,404 received of the $150,000 goal. As we walk with longtime ministries and chart new paths with Jesus, the prayers and financial support of our donors and friends makes it possible.

It’s our centennial year at Virginia Mennonite Missions! One hundred years ago, Mennonites across Virginia organized a mission board to help them share the gospel in neighboring communities. Today, we both follow their footsteps and chart new paths with Jesus, “the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Heb. 12:2).

Veronica Sanchez (right) holds a Bible study with Berenice (left). Courtesy photo

Veronica Sanchez (right) holds a Bible study with Berenice (left). Courtesy photo

We continue the work of earlier generations by starting new churches to reach new people. This past March, Armando and Veronica Sanchez began outreach for a new church plant called Iglesia Shalom in Waynesboro, Virginia.

Lizzette Hernandez, our Latino Ministries Coach, writes:
Armando and Veronica have a gathering on Saturday nights where they invite people from the community to worship with them. Veronica has been meeting with a woman for Bible study named Berenice. She has been attending the Saturday gathering of Iglesia Shalom with her three children. They have been learning about God’s love for them through the Sanchezes in practical ways, as Waynesboro Mennonite Church and Armando joined together to help her by repairing the roof of her house, which was in really bad shape.

We are blazing a new trail in the area of business for transformation, or B4T. B4T is about starting businesses in unevangelized areas to create jobs and bless the local community, with the goal of lives transformed through the gospel. In June, we established a board of business-minded leaders who will guide this work. Church planting and B4T are just two of the ways we are building on the 100-year legacy of VMMissions.

Grace and peace,

Aaron Kauffman signature



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