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Share the Light of Jesus

The light of the gospel shines most brightly in the darkness. This was true 2,000 years ago, when God sent his one and only Son into “the nighttime of our fear,” as one hymnwriter has put it. And it’s true today as we face the gloom of an ongoing pandemic amid political unrest. As the Gospel of John declares, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (1:5).

Here are some rays of light shining through the ministries of Virginia Mennonite Missions:

    • In an update on the Shalom Church in Waynesboro, Virginia, Lizzette Hernandez, our Latino Ministries Coach, writes:
      “Armando and Veronica got connected with Sin Barreras, a non-profit organization based in Charlottesville that supports and serves the immigrant community. Through their relationship with the director of Sin Barreras, many families of the Shalom Church and the community were benefited with financial help for paying for rent, food and other pressing needs. They were also connected with another non-profit organization that helps with free tutoring services for children who are currently studying online. Several families from Shalom Church who needed help with their children’s schoolwork were connected with this service. We are so grateful for this network of relationships that the Sanchezes are nurturing for bringing God’s shalom, as their church name proclaims, to their congregation and neighbors.”


Iglesia Shalom members with non-profit partners at an outreach event to serve the immigrant community in Waynesboro, Va. Names withheld at their request.

    • Tom Yoder, our Balkans Ministry Coach, shares about a new church planting effort in Albania:
      “When Dan and Mary Hess returned to the US in early April, they worked diligently to build a strong support base, despite COVID-19 restrictions. Meanwhile, they cultivated their friendships with several men in the town of Milot, with whom they partnered to share timely and sustaining food distributions with the local Roma population. These men are spiritual seekers, and eagerly awaited the Hess’ return. Is this the core group of a new fellowship of believers? We believe so, and that is the focus of Dan and Mary as they launch into their second term in Albania.”
    • Jason Showalter, our Global Ministries Director, reports on a new outreach to local Muslims:
      “I recently met with leaders from a local congregation about ways that VMMissions might support the long-term ministry of a Jordanian believer in her ministry among the multicultural Muslim community in Harrisonburg. While these conversations are still in their early stages, I’m excited to see how VMMissions might join the Spirit’s work among our Muslim neighbors.”

Your support of our Mission Fund makes these stories possible. Thank you for helping us reach our goal of $100,000! Gifts are still coming in; as of January 4, we raised just over $101,000.

Together, we can continue to point to Jesus, who proclaims, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness again, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Grace and peace,
Aaron M. Kauffman


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