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The Gospel is for Everyone

The Gospel is for Everyone

Who is the gospel for? According to Revelation 7:9, it’s for those “from every nation, tribe, people and language”—in other words, it’s for everyone! That’s the focus of our first major capital campaign in a decade—A Church of Many Cultures.

(Learn more about the campaign.)

We launched A Church of Many Cultures in 2021 with the goal of raising $3 million for three new areas of ministry:

    • Business for Transformation—Starting for-profit enterprises to bless communities and share the gospel where there is little Christian presence. (Watch video)
    • Global Church Planting—Supporting church planters from around the world who are gifted and called to multiply disciples and churches where needed most. (Watch video)
    • Mission Training Center—Renovating “the barn” on our property into a gathering place for prayer, training, meetings and community events for up to 50 people. (Watch video)

VMMissions is happy to share that as of this month, we have raised nearly $2.7 million. This campaign has already allowed us to provide grants to six church planters in Virginia, North Carolina, the Dominican Republic, Albania and Central Asia, and to give three business loans to Christian entrepreneurs operating in the 10/40 Window (the area of the world with the fewest Christians).

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