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VMMissions Mourns the Loss of Steve Leaman

We grieve the sudden passing on April 5 of our dear co-worker and brother, Steve Leaman. Steve had served on staff at Virginia Mennonite Missions since December of 2015, most recently as Director of Advancement. He was a hard-working and caring colleague, a lifelong learner, a devoted family man, and a faithful follower of Jesus.

Steve left us those of us who worked with him a treasure of memories: his warm interest in our lives beyond work, his words of encouragement, his earnest prayers for our mission workers and donors, his meticulous attention to detail, his effort to do his best at everything he did, the twinkle in his eye, and his office pranks.

We are stunned and filled with sorrow. However, we do not “grieve as others do who have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13), because we know that Steve walked faithfully with Jesus and is now at rest in glory.

Just over a week before his death, it was Steve’s turn to share a devotional during our staff prayer time. He shared from Psalm 146, which proclaims, “Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (vv. 1-2). We celebrate the ways Steve exemplified a life of praise to God.

Steve also recorded the following 15-second testimony just a few days before he died, as part of our effort to share good news in this time of global pandemic:

As a middle child, I wanted attention. I became a selfish braggart. My best friend prayed for me until I gave my heart to Jesus. I was changed! Now, God’s Spirit abides within me. Through God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness, I now have eternal hope. In these times, accept Jesus! What is your story?

May Steve’s story challenge and inspire us all to turn to Christ and place our hope in Him.

We covet your prayers for all of us at VMMissions, and especially for Steve’s widow, Doris, and their children and grandchildren.

Grace and peace,

Aaron M. Kauffman