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VMMissions Joins Hurricane Relief Ministry in Honduras

Loading supplies
Juan Carlos Malvaez, VMMissions board member and pastor of Manantial de Vida, Harrisonburg, Va., loads supplies bound for Honduras. Photo courtesy of Juan Carlos Malvaez

In November 2020, Honduras and other Central American countries were devastated by two major back-to-back hurricanes, Eta and Iota. Honduran partner Allan Lorenzana mobilized his church network in Honduras and immediately began relief efforts of food and essential supplies.

Working together with Manantial de Vida Church in Harrisonburg, Va., VMMissions started a Honduras Hurricane Relief Fund to participate with the Honduran effort by providing funds and supplies. Food, mattresses, water filters, and medicines were delivered to some of the hardest hit areas. Along with relief distribution, teams of trained “seed sowers” went in groups to share the gospel.

On Christmas Eve, displaced people in a shelter in La Ceiba volunteered to prepare 500 tamales as a way to bless others in the traumatized community. Lorenzana reported that many doors and hearts were opened through this blessing. Lorenzana was especially blessed to be able to present the gospel in the Miskito language, spoken by over 80,000 people who typically have little exposure to the gospel message.